Friday, August 31, 2012

We went to see The Dark Knight Rises (again), and it was ah-mazing (again).

Ahh, I love this movie so much, y'all.
The whole Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy is just so freakin' awesome, and this last movie is my favorite of the three, for sure.
It's wayyy up there on my list of fav movies ever, if not at the very top.
Oh yeah.
That's how awesome it is.

So of course going to see it once in the theater wasn't enough.
Neither was going to see it twice.
My Batman-lovin' sister and I went to see it AGAIN, for the third time on Tuesday.

All I can say is...
Best movie ever.
Best soundtrack ever. (I love you, Hans Zimmer.)
Batman is officially my fav super hero. 
And Joseph Gordon-Levitt is just... asdfghjkl.
The end.

P.S. - Those (dorky) pictures of me are courtesy of my sister and her iTouch. :)


  1. I don't blame you for going to see it again (and again)! It's worth it!

    1. Yes, it was totally worth it! :)

  2. Awesome! I haven't seen it yet, but I really want to. Christian Bale is one of my favorite male actors since Little Women. :)

    1. Ah, you need to go see it! I love Christian Bale too! He's such a great actor, and he is so good in these movies. <3


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