Monday, October 8, 2012

new design (yes... already)

Hey everyone!

So if you've visited my blog in the past week or so, you probably noticed things were a little crazy. That's because I decided to make a few changes around here. And... after a change here and a change there, it kind of turned into a complete redesign.

  • The header.
  • The sidebar.
  • The page menu.
  • I even added social media icons! (Are they cute or what? ;) I was so excited to figure out how to make those. haha)

I hope y'all like it! It took me forever to figure out exactly what I wanted to do and then actually design it. I went through a million different headers and color schemes until I finally settled on this. It should be around for awhile though - longer than my old design at least. Then again, that's not saying much. lol :P

So yeah... nine posts into my new blog, and there's already a new design up. What can I say, yolo. No, just kidding! ^_^

Happy Monday, y'all!!


  1. I love the new design, Lindsay! And kudos to you for figuring out the social media icons . . . I need to ask Bree to make me some of those. ;)

    Have a beautiful day!

    — Elizabeth Rose

    1. Thank you so much, Elizabeth! Yeah, at first I thought the social media icons were gonna be hard to figure out, but after a couple of Google searches and some trial and error, they were actually pretty easy to do! :)


  2. It's awesome Lindsay! Wish I had your talent. :) I designed my own blog too, but it's not near as professional looking. Keep up the great work! :)

    1. Thank you SO much, Kristen! You are too sweet! :)


      P.S. - Your blog design is great, just so ya know. ;)

  3. So adorable. I love it! You did a great job.

    1. Aww, thanks, Tawnee! I'm so glad you like it! :)

  4. This is a really cute design!

  5. Love the new design! You’re right, the media icons are cute. :)

    -Victoria Horea

    1. Yay! I'm glad you think they're cute too. ;)



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